Monday, May 04, 2009

Day 41 - 46

Day 41
Staff game was set up for 10am. The two teams were picked the day before and a senior member of staff was in charge of each team. The two teams were named InterMelons & Wellhung Utd. I was chosen to play for Wellhung Utd (of course). We won 2-0 with me scoring the second with a well placed header (GET IN). Straight of to my Tenafly session after and back home for a night of drinking. We played two great drinking games where i was given the nickname Zeus due to my godly drinking skills.

Day 42
2pm meeting at Dome. I had to cover a session for someone on Summit Academy which was my only work for the day. Had dinner at the diner, came home watched Resident Evil and had an early night.

Day 43
Kiddie Soccer :( in Parsipanny with 4 year olds. 3o degrees today and supposed to be getting hotter. Went and got my laptop finally and messed about on it all day. I'll hopefully keep my blog up to date now (NOT).

Day 44
Both my teams had games today. Tenafly won 7-0 but would have been more if it wasn't for the stupid mercy rule. Mercy rule is you can only win by 7 goals so when i got to seven goals i had to play keep away and was not allowed to score. Livingston drew 0-0 which meant they still hold a 100% record. Got home from games and a few of us took a trip down to Hooters to watch WWE Backlash.

Day 45 - 46
WORK (nothing else)


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