Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 30 - 40

Day 30
Not much happened today. Stayed at home recovering from the night before and planning sessions for the rest of the week.

Day 31 -34
Still feeling rough from NY these four days consisted of work, eat and sleep :)

Day 35
Was on tryouts for the town of Livingston as I have a team there. At least 200 kids turned up and I had a group of 23 boys to assess. I had to mark them from good to bad which was a lot more difficult then I thought. Picked the 10 I thought should be in the A team, 9 for B team and 4 I thought were NTQ (not travel quality) as in should stick to playing park football or choose another sport. (harsh i know)

Day 36
Had Cougar academy 9-12 then refereeing games from 3-5. Got back home, changed & took a trip to the Giants Stadium to see the NY Redbulls vs Real Salt Lake. Nice stadium and hopefully i can watch an American football game there but the NY Redbulls game was terrible. Felt like i was watching Leyton Orient.

Day 37
Had two games to go to. My Tenafly game was first which I managed to win 3-2. Then had to rush to my Livingston which I also managed to win 3-2. Rest of day just chilled.

Day 38
11:30 meeting at Dome. Go to my session but it ends up getting canceled due to the bad weather so as 5 of us have travelled all this way we deciding t spend the next hour having a few drinks in a bar.

Day 39
Session canceled again due to bad weather. (Luv it) With the day off decided to take a trip down to Willowbrook Mall. Spent most my day there just loitering and looking around.

Day 40
Once again my sessions were canceled (maybe there is a god out there). As there was footy on TV most of the day, we all stayed in like couch potatoes watching TV and playing computer.


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