Monday, April 06, 2009

Day 14 - 21

NOTE : I've had a few people, well actually one say there's not enough gossip (a woman obviously). Well there's 2 reasons for that.

1. Work and meetings take most of my time at the moment
2. The gossip i do have is for certain ears only :)

Day 14
Meeting at Dome 9am-12pm. Had my Livingston team to train. Was given feedback about my assessment, good news is i was told I've put on the best session out of all the newcomers. :)

Day 15
Had a birthday party at the Dome which usually results in getting $20 tips. As i had the rest of the day off, a few of us deciding to go for a few drinks down the local and watch the England game on TV.

Day 16
My BIRTHDAY :) Had a game with my Tenafly team winning 3-1. As i got back late from my game we all chilled at home having a few drinks for my b'day.

Day 17
9am meeting at the Dome. Had renaissance today, which is basically a local school in Montclair who have their PE lesson done by us cause they have no gym facilitys in the school. As its only an 1 hour lesson the kids do PE in what they wear to school which can be anything from Ugg boots to jeans & skater shoes. Was assesed again at my Tenafly session, which went ok.

Day 18
9am meeting at the Dome. Had another assessment at the Dome in front of all the other coaches. Had to cover a session 10 minutes from my house in South Orange.

Day 19
Went to the social security office in the morning to get a social security number (kinda like a NI number). The office felt like the job centre back at home, with staff looking suicidal cause they work there. Finally managed to open a bank account once i got my number, which means i dont always have to walk around with cash in my wallet. Had a session with my Livingston team in the pouring rain, which bought back memories of coaching in the UK.

Day 20
Boring thursday. 9am meeting at Dome then off to coach my Tenafly team.

3 weeks gone already and feels like its been 3 months. Had the friday meeting as usual but the difference was we were told that everything for the day had been cancelled due to the rain and thunder (woohoo). Me, Chris & Ricky decided to go visit a mall and have a wander around so ended up at Willowbrook Mall in Verona. Decided to have dinner around Verona so went to Hooters :) (for the chicken of course).


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