Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 56 - Day 62

Day 56
First session of the week as finally the weather gets better. Was assessed for my session so hopefully be told soon how my session went (fingers crossed). Was still feeling a bit ill so chilled for the rest of the day and had a film night watching MIB and Taken.

Day 57
Was put on MSO Kickers in South Orange but again session was cancelled due to the crappy weather we've been having. As i had the rest of the day off i decided to take another trip into NYC. Took my first trip to the Bronx to visit the Bronx Zoo and spent most of my day there (pics on Facebook). Got back to Penn Station in NYC and decided i didnt wanna leave the city just yet so went to a bar called Locals, which is situated opposite Madison Square Garden. Had a few drinks there then took a walk round Manhattan looking for somewhere to eat. Ended up at a greek gyro resaurant (kebab shop), that funnily enough was run by a bunch of mexicans. Had a dodgy Gyro which i had a feeling was not gonna agree with me in the morning....

Day 58
Was on a birthday party at the Dome in the morning. Had to shoot from the party straight to my game in Tenafly. Only had one of my teams playing as Livingston had cancelled their game due to it being mothers day in the USA. 2-1 down at half time with Tenafly, i decided to make some player changes and formation changes, which made the difference as we ended up winning the game 3-2 (braaaaaaaaaap). Think i'll put in an application for the Newcastle job soon. Had an early night when i got home as still not fully recovered from when i was ill.

Day 59
Took the day off work as i was at my worse today. Was in bed all day suffering from an earache, headache, throat ache and a high temperature.

Day 60
10-12 meeting at the Dome. Wasnt feeling completly better but didnt wanna take another sick day off. Was training Livingston today and then was on the goalkeeping academy for Livingston. Another film night in the house watching I-Robot.

Day 61
Staff meeting again, which a lot of people are getting annoyed with as a lot of the meetings are pointless. Was on Cougar U11 tryous and saw a lot of crap footballers to put it bluntly. Early night as still not feeling well.

Day 62
Staff meeting discussing summer camps and giving us all the info about how it works and what well be doing. Had a session with my Tenafly boys. Important session as our game on sunday is against joint top leaders with us. Our opponents on sunday Lyndhurst are the one team ive lost to all season so revenge is on the cards.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 47 - Day 55

Day 47
Had my first lie in for ages. Up at 11 and spent most of my day writing session plans and watching TV. Only had one hour of work today, but pretty much boring day.

Day 48

Day 49
Had a session in the pouring rain which aint the greatest but with sessions being cancelled all the time cos of this dodgy weather i had to keep this session on. Went out to the local cinema in the South Orange after work to watch Wolverine. Wasn't as good as I'd expected but was made enjoyable by the crowd. If you ever get a chance go watch a film in an american cinema. The crowd are the funniest thing in the world cos they get really involved in the film and say and do some of the most stupidist things.

Day 50
Only had work from 9am-11am so used my saturday to take my first trip into NYC to do some sightseing. Spent a good 7/8 hours in the city visiting Ground zero, Brooklyn Bridge, Grand Central, Rockefeller Centre, City Hall, Times Square and Madison Square Garden. I'd say my favourite part of the day was going to the observation deck in the Rockefeller Centre and looking over Manhattan at night.

Day 51
Had both my teams playing today. Livingston won 4-2 and Tenafly won 2-0 beating top of the league. That now puts both my teams top of there league. (unlike Newcastle as ive been told).

Day 52
Day off due to weather (did absolutely didly swat though)

Day 53
Went to the Great Swamp of New Jersey for a Wildlife Conservation tour of the swamp as the company is joining the trust to help promote it. It was probably one of the most boring days of my life. I'd rather watch West Ham on TV then go to the swamp and thats saying a lot. Another day off due to weather (i know what your thinking, do i ever work)

Day 54
Was on Montclair tryouts which is one of there biggest tryouts as its where a lot of the good players and teams are based. Standard of players was good so found it difficult rankings the players.

Day 55
Session cancelled (again) so it being a Thursday we all started our drinking games nice and early. All nine of us in the house were out tonight so headed down to our local bar Cryans ( Good night out, plenty of drinking and dancing and was good to have all the boys out together as were always missing one or two due to them working. Came home after it closed though with a splitting headache (as you do).

Monday, May 04, 2009

Day 41 - 46

Day 41
Staff game was set up for 10am. The two teams were picked the day before and a senior member of staff was in charge of each team. The two teams were named InterMelons & Wellhung Utd. I was chosen to play for Wellhung Utd (of course). We won 2-0 with me scoring the second with a well placed header (GET IN). Straight of to my Tenafly session after and back home for a night of drinking. We played two great drinking games where i was given the nickname Zeus due to my godly drinking skills.

Day 42
2pm meeting at Dome. I had to cover a session for someone on Summit Academy which was my only work for the day. Had dinner at the diner, came home watched Resident Evil and had an early night.

Day 43
Kiddie Soccer :( in Parsipanny with 4 year olds. 3o degrees today and supposed to be getting hotter. Went and got my laptop finally and messed about on it all day. I'll hopefully keep my blog up to date now (NOT).

Day 44
Both my teams had games today. Tenafly won 7-0 but would have been more if it wasn't for the stupid mercy rule. Mercy rule is you can only win by 7 goals so when i got to seven goals i had to play keep away and was not allowed to score. Livingston drew 0-0 which meant they still hold a 100% record. Got home from games and a few of us took a trip down to Hooters to watch WWE Backlash.

Day 45 - 46
WORK (nothing else)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 30 - 40

Day 30
Not much happened today. Stayed at home recovering from the night before and planning sessions for the rest of the week.

Day 31 -34
Still feeling rough from NY these four days consisted of work, eat and sleep :)

Day 35
Was on tryouts for the town of Livingston as I have a team there. At least 200 kids turned up and I had a group of 23 boys to assess. I had to mark them from good to bad which was a lot more difficult then I thought. Picked the 10 I thought should be in the A team, 9 for B team and 4 I thought were NTQ (not travel quality) as in should stick to playing park football or choose another sport. (harsh i know)

Day 36
Had Cougar academy 9-12 then refereeing games from 3-5. Got back home, changed & took a trip to the Giants Stadium to see the NY Redbulls vs Real Salt Lake. Nice stadium and hopefully i can watch an American football game there but the NY Redbulls game was terrible. Felt like i was watching Leyton Orient.

Day 37
Had two games to go to. My Tenafly game was first which I managed to win 3-2. Then had to rush to my Livingston which I also managed to win 3-2. Rest of day just chilled.

Day 38
11:30 meeting at Dome. Go to my session but it ends up getting canceled due to the bad weather so as 5 of us have travelled all this way we deciding t spend the next hour having a few drinks in a bar.

Day 39
Session canceled again due to bad weather. (Luv it) With the day off decided to take a trip down to Willowbrook Mall. Spent most my day there just loitering and looking around.

Day 40
Once again my sessions were canceled (maybe there is a god out there). As there was footy on TV most of the day, we all stayed in like couch potatoes watching TV and playing computer.

Some Useful Info

Hey all

Thought I'd put a few links on my blog that you could have a look at. (this is the company I'm working for) (select B14D, Tenafly is one of my teams) (my other team is the Livingston Leopards)

I'm not sure if the sites are updated but my current record for both my teams put together is

Played 10
Won 8
Drawn 1
Lost 1

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 22- 29

Hey all!!
Sorry that its been a while since i updated but been keeping myself busy with work. Hopefully get my laptop in the next few days so I'll be updating on the regular and be easier to contact me online.

Had a kinderkickers sessions for 3 hours in the morning, which is basically coaching 4 year olds and acting like a clown (insert your comment here). Back at home managed to watch my first Newcastle game since i been over here and as usual, what a load of crap. Night was still young so a few of us decided to go down into Montclair and shot some pool at a billiard hall.

Day 23
Game day and i had to attend the games for both my teams. First game was my Tenafly team who only had 10 players so i struggled to do anything with them and lost my first game of the season. Next was my Livingston team who won 4-2 keeping there 100% record.

Day 24 -27
Was on a mid term team camp in Tenafly which meant me waking up at 5.30am everyday to get to camp. Camp days consisted of camp from 9am-1pm, back home, eat food, watch tv and sleep. Tiresome four days

Day 28 (Good Friday)
Metting at 9am at the Dome and then had a session with my Livingston team but only four players turned up with it being Good Friday.

Day 29
My sessions were cancelled today due to the weather so that meant the whole weekend off as there were no games on Sunday due to Easter Sunday. Weekend off means PAAAARTTYYY!! As theres no early Sunday NEW YORK HERE WE COME!! Caught the 8pm train into Penn Station, grabbed a slice of Pizza and had a few drinks there before catching a taxi to midtown Manhattan (East 53rd St). Started of in a tradional pub and had a few (or 2 or 3 or 6) and then moved onto Metro 53 a club just up the road. Left about 1am and caught a taxi to lower east Manhattan to a bar called Pianos. Stayed till closin time which was 3am and took a stroll round Manhattan looking for some grub. Ended up in a Mc'D's which was'nt your average McDonalds. There was a guy in there who had unbelievable Beatboxing skills and every person who walked in he'd ask if they could freestyle and would beatbox while they kicked a freestyle (dont get that down Oxford Street after clubbing). As there were nop trains back home till morning we catch a train to Hoeboken from 7th AV and wait around half asleep till 6am for a train home. My first night in NY ended up being a great night and im sure theres more to come :)

Monday, April 06, 2009

Day 14 - 21

NOTE : I've had a few people, well actually one say there's not enough gossip (a woman obviously). Well there's 2 reasons for that.

1. Work and meetings take most of my time at the moment
2. The gossip i do have is for certain ears only :)

Day 14
Meeting at Dome 9am-12pm. Had my Livingston team to train. Was given feedback about my assessment, good news is i was told I've put on the best session out of all the newcomers. :)

Day 15
Had a birthday party at the Dome which usually results in getting $20 tips. As i had the rest of the day off, a few of us deciding to go for a few drinks down the local and watch the England game on TV.

Day 16
My BIRTHDAY :) Had a game with my Tenafly team winning 3-1. As i got back late from my game we all chilled at home having a few drinks for my b'day.

Day 17
9am meeting at the Dome. Had renaissance today, which is basically a local school in Montclair who have their PE lesson done by us cause they have no gym facilitys in the school. As its only an 1 hour lesson the kids do PE in what they wear to school which can be anything from Ugg boots to jeans & skater shoes. Was assesed again at my Tenafly session, which went ok.

Day 18
9am meeting at the Dome. Had another assessment at the Dome in front of all the other coaches. Had to cover a session 10 minutes from my house in South Orange.

Day 19
Went to the social security office in the morning to get a social security number (kinda like a NI number). The office felt like the job centre back at home, with staff looking suicidal cause they work there. Finally managed to open a bank account once i got my number, which means i dont always have to walk around with cash in my wallet. Had a session with my Livingston team in the pouring rain, which bought back memories of coaching in the UK.

Day 20
Boring thursday. 9am meeting at Dome then off to coach my Tenafly team.

3 weeks gone already and feels like its been 3 months. Had the friday meeting as usual but the difference was we were told that everything for the day had been cancelled due to the rain and thunder (woohoo). Me, Chris & Ricky decided to go visit a mall and have a wander around so ended up at Willowbrook Mall in Verona. Decided to have dinner around Verona so went to Hooters :) (for the chicken of course).

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 6 - 13 (sorry for delay)

Day 6
Had a little lie in today as meeting wasn't till 2pm. Go help out with a session in Livingston as I'm not working today while schedule is being sorted out. As its a Thursday night and what seems to be a ritual every Thursday night we have a beer pong night.

Day 7
Meet one of the teams I'll be training (U13 boys, Livingston Leopards). There a flight 6 team which means there average ability. Basically there in division 6 of 9 divisions. Had another beer pong night to get rid of remaining beer. There was also a loads of people round the house making cocktails for us all.

Day 8
Was at the dome teaching baseball (yes baseball) till 2pm. As we were all home early, we all went down to the park for a couple of hours to play some footy. Had dinner at the local diner and felt like an American movie sitting in there.

Day 9
My first game with one of my teams (Livingston). I was 4-0 up at half time and ended up winning the game 5-2 (braaaaap). As its Sunday and were all shattered from the week, a load of us just gather at the house listening to music and playing playstation.

Quiet day today. 9am meeting till 2pm then off to meet the other team I'm coaching (Tenafly U14 boys).

Meeting at the dome from 8am till 2pm. Then was off to cover a sessions 10 mins from the house. Finally after the long wait the internet, sky and house phone were installed, which meant everyone monged out in front of the TV all night.

Meeting at the dome from 9am till 2pm. Had my Livingston team tonight and had a good session with them.

Day 13
Meeting at dome (9am-12). Meeting was kept short today as the bosses could tell we were all looking worst for wear. Had my Tenafly team today and as well as there being torrential rain for my session which didn't help, i was also being assesed by the company to see how I'm doing.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 1-5

Day 1
Arrive at Newark Airport & picked up by one of the managers. I was then taken to where I'm staying now in South Orange. Spent the first night just chilling with my new housemates watching films and chatting.

Day 2
Not much done on Sunday, just explored South Orange a little and found the nearest supermarket, pizzeria and liquor store.

Day 3
My first trip to what's known as the Dome which is the company base in Montclair. All new coaches were there and we met the company owner who showed us around. Was then taken, along with my other housemates, for a mexican by the company owner.

Day 4
10am meet at the Dome. Meeting was just explaining about orientation and giving us the chance for any Q & A's. As it was St Patricks day we all decided to go down to our local boozer which happened to be an Irish pub.

Day 5
9am meet at the Dome. Meeting was bout rules of baseball as they are starting new sessions using the companys philosophys and we may have to coach a baseball session. 

And It Begins!!

Well finally I've managed to write a blog after telling so many people i'll be writing regular blogs to keep you updated. I've had problems accessing internet but slowly slowly i'll be up and running and staying in touch.

Well first things first, a little on where I'm staying. Im in South Orange, New Jersey. South Orange is in Essex County and is about 30 mins away from New York. Famous residents past and present include Wyclef Jean, Lauryn Hill, Zach Braff (scrubs) and Kevin Spacey. Apparently Lauryn Hill brings her kids to some of our soccer practices but i aint seen her yet. I'm gonna try take as many photos as i can but the problem is their gonna be mobile phone quality as i don't have a digital camera. Now if theres anyone who's thinking that Das is a great guy, im gonna buy him a digital camera and send him it, then by all means do.

Coming up next......... first 5 days

Monday, January 19, 2009


This is a test